Saturday, February 16, 2019

Sally Rooney - Normal People

When our book club selected this as a book club selection I was somewhat disappointed as I do not tend to go for books of this type. A friend was judging the book as part of a book prize and kindly lent me her copy.

I sat down and read it in two sittings over the next 48 hours. I was very much drawn to the two characters. I enjoyed the book, but it did make me miserable. The outcome was not one I wanted for the two lead characters.

The writing was good, but I found the lack of punctuation annoying. It is accomplished in its ability to spark your interest the two characters, Connell and Marianne. This is a love story and (a bit of a spoiler) I am not sure it is a romance. I was continually frustrated by the fact they were too cynical, educated and  intelligent to follow their hearts and see what was in front of them. I felt their lack of communication was very realistic given their histories and social backgrounds.The book is about two people, everyone else is something of a shadow in terms of motivations and characterisation.

One aspect of the story I found slightly repugnant was an aspect of the sexual relationship Marianne develops.

Not the ending I wanted, but I could not stop thinking about the book. Given this and the fact I could not put it down I have to say that this was a very good read.

1 comment:

  1. Hah. I found it extremely annoying. Not a book I would normally pick up, but it was on the reading list.

    Anna @ Deeply Shallow
