SRFC (Super Relaxed Fantasy Club)

Super Relaxed Fantasy Club (SRFC) is a social gathering held in London once a month. Our aim is to promote the enjoyment of reading fantasy, science fiction, horror, or anything with a bit of quirkiness, in a friendly and safe environment.

The Organisers
SRFC was originally formed by Jen Williams and Den Patrick in 2013. When these two London based authors were starting out, they wanted to create a place for readers and writers to meet with the relaxed feel of a bar at a convention. Initially, a small group of people initially met on a staircase in the Royal Festival Hall. Since then SRFC has moved several times, and with the help of writers, publishers and its members, it’s grown to be a vibrant monthly club. Our next event will be held upstairs at the Star of Kings.

SRFC is open to all and usually takes the format of two or three authors doing a short reading and Q&A. The audience varies –writers and readers, the occasional agent or publisher. It can be surprising who does turn up! We do not charge a free but ask for voluntary donations to pay for room hire. You do not need a ticket to come along, but we ask for a voluntary donation of £5 to cover the room hire costs.

Our aim is for this to be a friendly, open and inclusive event. We try and ensure a gender balance in our authors and are keen to promote a diversity of writers, not only with established names, but new voices as well. 

Authors who have spoken include: Dan Abnett, Lavie Tidhar, Joanne Harris, Peter Mclean, Leo Carew, Laura Purcell, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Vic James, RJ Barker, Jane O'Reilly, Anna Spark Smith, Micah Yongo, Rebecca Ley, Danie Ware, Gareth Powell, Kristina Perez, Pete Newman, Emma Newman, Jen Williams, Den Patrick, Ed McDonald, Katherine & Elizabeth Corr, Sam Peters, Stuart Turton, Anna Stephens, Alexandra Christo, Nick Clark Windo, Jeannette Ng, Sam Shannon, Julia Ember, Daniel Godfrey, Alistair Reynolds, Lucy Housman, John Gwynne, Genevieve Cogman, Kristen Ciccarell, Tad Williams, Gavin Smith, Claire North, Amy Alward, Anne Charnock, Dhonielle Clayton, Tom Lloyd, Laure Eve, Matt Blakstad, Francesca Haig, Mike (M.R.) Carey, Taran Matharu, Melinda Salisbury, Angus Watson, Laura Lam, Nate Crowley, Katie Kahn, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mark Stay, Louise Carey and many others.

Our current dates are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month: For 2023 our dates are as follows...
January 10th
February 14th
March 14th
April 11th
May 9th
June 13th
July 11th
August 8th
September 12th
October 10th
November 14th
December 5th or 12th (TBC)

If you would like to come along check our social media feeds to confirm who, when and where.

You can find us on Twitter at SRFC on Twitter
or Facebook at SRFC on Facebook

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